Thursday, September 24, 2009

World of Warcraft Reputation Guide for Scryer

When you finally hit that coveted level 60 mark and head into the Outlands, you will need to decide which order you should align yourself with: Aldor or Scryer. For those who choose to go with Scryer, the main perks of aligning your character with them is the added critical strike rating once you gain enough reputation with them.

Just like with Aldor, you will be doing quests that will have you gathering certain items, such as tokens, and helping the Scryers with their quests in Nagrand, the Terokkar Forest, and the Blade's Edge Mountains.

The Scryers are an ancient order of blood elves, led by Voren'thal the Seer, who live in Shattrath City. This group detached from Prince Kael'thas and instead, gave their assistance to the Naaru at Shattrath City, keeping them at war with the Aldor. They are in a constant struggle for power in Shattrath City against the Aldor and are trying to win favor with the Naaru.

In the beginning, any player that is already a blood elf will automatically be friendly with the Scryers and hostile with the Aldor, just as draenei players will be friendly with the Aldor and hostile with the Scryers. Of course, this can be changed by doing quests for either side. Once you have completed the “City of Light” quest, you will be given the choice of which side to align your player with. Once you have aligned your character with Scryer and begin doing quests for reputation points with them, you can begin to turn in epic armor tokens for Tier 4 and 5 gear to either Veynna Dawnstar (the Keeper of Sha'tari Heirlooms) or Arodis Sunblade (the Keeper of Sha'tari Artifacts) who are both located in the Seer's Library in the Scryer's Tier.

The first quest that you should get and do when you are trying to align with the Scryers is “Allegiance to the Scryers”. This one quest will increase your reputation with them by 3,500 points, which brings you to friendly with them. After this, you can start the other quests that will allow you to turn in different signets for reputation points.

Start by doing any quest that you are given to raise your reputation with the Scryers. Once you have completed the first quests, you will get several daily quests that you can do each and every day to continue to raise your reputation. Some of these quest will have you turn in Firewing Signets, Arcane Tomes, and Sunfury Signets for reputation points with the Scryers, as well as other things, such as Dampscale Basilisk Eyes.

To get from friendly to honored, you'll have to turn in 22 Firewing Signets 10 times, for honored to revered, you will have to turn in 48 Sunfury Signets 10 times, and for revered to exalted, you will have to turn in 84 Sunfury Signets 10 times. With the signet turn in quests, along with the other daily quest, you can earn a lot of reputation points each day. If you continue to turn in these signets while you are doing the daily quests, you'll hit exalted in no time with the Scryers.

To grind for the Firewing signets, you can head to Firewing Point in the Terokkar Forest, which is east of Shattrath City. All you have to do is follow the road out through Tuurem and then you take a path north that will lead you right to Firewing Point.

You can grind for these and turn them in until you are friendly with the Scryers (if you didn't do “Allegiance to the Scryers”), but once you're friendly with them, you can't use them any more to up your reputation points.

Once you hit friendly, then you can head to Netherstorm to an area called Manaforge B'naar.

This camp is also really easy to get to, as all you do is follow the road west out of Area 52, and you'll run right into it.

This is the area to grind for Sunfury Signets which will raise your reputation points with the Scryers until you are exalted. But, these only have around a 30% drop rate, about the same as the Firewing Signets. You can also get Arcane Tomes and Arcane Runes here that you can also turn in for items from the Scryer's Quartermaster, so it isn't a total waste to grind here a bit each day.

There are also several quest chains that you can get and do that will have you speak to certain people or gather items and take them to other people. These are fairly easy, and you can blow through these fast, but none are repeatable, so you only get the reputation points for them once. For players who have already aligned themselves with Aldor and are trying to switch, you can get “Vorenthal's Visions” from Arcanist Adryia, which will give you reputation points with Scryer and then lead you to the repeatable quest from her, “More Basilisk Eyes”.

The Scryers also have inscriptions that are like enchants that go on your shoulders. These can be used by anyone, any faction, once you have the reputation with the Scryers to buy them. But, they are BOP so make sure that you have the reputation to get them, and that you actually want that inscription before you get it. While Aldor adds additional damage and healing, Scryer adds more critical strike rating. For tanks, hunters, and players that want to do more damage outright, then Aldor is the way to go. But, for casters or others that are more concerned with just more power, Scryer is the way to go. Either way, players should always look at what each side has to offer and then pick the one that is the best for what they envision their character to be when all is said and done.

Here is a list of available inscriptions that the Scryers offer players who align themselves with them:

1. Greater Inscription of the Blade = this inscription will add +15 critical strike rating and +20 attack power to your shoulder item. This inscription doesn't stack on any other shoulder enchants or inscriptions.
2. Greater Inscription of the Knight = this inscription will add +15 defense rating and +10 dodge rating to your shoulder item. This doesn't stack on any other enchantments on the shoulders either.
3. Greater Inscription of the Oracle = this will give you +6 mana per second and up to +22 healing on your shoulder item. But, it doesn't stack on any other enchantment or inscription either.
4. Greater Inscription of the Orb = this one adds +15 spell critical strike rating and up to +12 spell damage to any shoulder item. And, it doesn't stack either.

These are just the lesser enchantments that you can get for your shoulders, and aren't really what you should base your decision on, but they will give you an idea of what type of inscriptions you can get from the Scryers. Remember that the Aldor inscriptions will give you more attack power, spell damage, and dodge ratings, which the Scryer inscriptions will give you more critical strike, MP5, and defense ratings.

There are other areas to consider before you chose Aldor or Scryer, such as what your professions are. Both of these orders will sell recipes for “spellthread” for those who are tailors and leatherworkers. But, each order will sell a different type of spellthread recipe. For the tailors, Aldors will sell the Golden Spellthread recipes, which give 51 healing and 18 stamina to items, while Scryer will sell Mystic Spellthread which give 25 spell damage and 15 stamina to items.

The good thing is that these recipes and the spellthread that they make aren't bind on pickup, so if you don't have a Scryer tailor in your guild, you can search out one and be able to use your mats and other items. For the leatherworkers, Aldor will offer a Vindicator's Armor Kit, which adds 8 defense ratings on chest, hands, legs, or feet, while Scryer will offer a Magister's Armor Kit that adds 3 mana every 5 seconds to chest, hands, legs, or feet. These aren't bind on pickup either, so you can trade them easily.

If you are a blacksmith, Aldor offers a fire resistance gear while the Scryers offer Arcane resistance gear. For alchemists, there really isn't that much either side can offer you, except that the Scryers offer a recipe for a potion that will give 65 fire damage for an hour. Jewelcrafters have it made, as both sides offer a couple of gem recipes that are awesome.

Hopefully, this will give you enough information to base your decision off of, when you are ready to start aligning your characters with either Scryer or Aldor.

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